Shades of Blue 2022-2023

Shades of Blue

Shades of Blue is the premier choral ensemble at Ralston Valley High School. Created when Ralston Valley opened in Fall of 2000, Shades of Blue has been around the country and the globe. Having been invited as the State of Colorado representative in the celebration of the end of World War II in New York City in 2005, as well as being invited to sing at High Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, Shades of Blue has met with great reviews with each performance.

Auditioning for Shades of Blue

In order to be eligible to audition for Shades of Blue, you must be accepted into Concert Choir for the current or upcoming school year. If you are a current member of Concert Choir, you will complete the 4 part audition process outlined under “Ralston Valley Choir Audition” (minus the solo singing step) in addition to the 2 following steps. If you have just been accepted into Concert Choir for the upcoming school year, you will only need to complete the following two steps.

  1. Solo Singing

    • You need to find and video record yourself singing a 2 minute vocal solo. It can be any solo from the classical music repertoire— it should not be a pop song or modern musical theater selection. Some classic musical theater selections may work. Get it approved with Mrs. Laun before you choose it.

    • Your video should have your head, shoulders, and chest in frame, and should have the accompaniment playing in the background of the video. Listen back to make sure the balance between your voice and the accompaniment is good.

    • You will also need to submit a PDF of your sheet music. Be sure to mark clearly where you are starting and where you are stopping for your 2 minute cut, if necessary.

    • I’m listening for your best, fullest sound.

    • You will be scored on: tone, breath support, intonation, rhythmic accuracy, melodic accuracy.

  2. Shades project

    • You will complete a project that answers the questions below:

      • Why do you want to be in Shades? Why is choir and music important to you?

    • Your project may be in whatever form you feel best expresses your point. Students have created instagram accounts, websites, videos, posters, blankets, t-shirts and all manner of other creative things.

      • You may not choose food as your project medium.