Lettering Information

RV Choir Lettering Requirements 

2024-2025 School Year

Lettering in high school is a process that differs for each sport/activity, and demonstrates that a student has gone above and beyond. To letter in choir, you will have to collect a total of 15 points over the course of the school year, to be logged by the student at the Google Form linked below. After 15 points have been reached, students will receive an additional bar for each additional 15 points accrued.  Students have one (1) school year to complete any and all requirements necessary to letter. Points cannot be rolled over from year to year. All points must be submitted via the Google Form below by Friday, April 26th, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted. Points will be totaled and letters awarded at the end of the year choir banquet.

Click Here to access the Lettering Points Submission Form

Points may be earned by:

  • Participation with no concert absences in a choral ensemble at RVHS: 1 point per class per semester.

  • Participation in an extracurricular ensemble at RV (80th Ave, Heaven Sent): 1 point per semester.

  • Participation in an outside choral ensemble (church, community, Colorado Children’s Chorale, etc. Written proof of duration participation by ensemble’s director): 1 point per group per semester.

  • Attendance at a performance featuring a choral ensemble (including proof of attendance such as a ticket stub or program): 1 point per concert.

  • Performance as a soloist at an outside concert (with program proof): 1 point per performance.

  • Participation as a choir representative in the choir council (attendance should be consistent with no unreasonable absences, as signed off on by the choir council president and Ms. Carpenter): 1 point per semester.

  • Participation as an officer in choir council (attendance should be consistent with no unreasonable absences, as signed off on by the choir council president and Ms. Carpenter): 3 points per semester.

  • Private vocal lessons (written proof of participation in at least 5 lessons per semester by private instructor required): 1 point per semester.

  • Private lessons on a secondary instrument (written proof of participation in at least 5 lessons per semester by private instructor required): 1 point per semester.

  • Participation in a choir fundraiser (such as a restaurant night, with proof of participation such as a receipt): 1 point per fundraiser. **proof of participation waived for fall semester 2021.

  • Participation in a choir council bonding event (with photo proof with another participant): 1 point per bonding activity.

  • Audition for an honor ensemble (all county or all state): 5 points per audition.

  • Selection for All County Honor Choir: 8 points.

  • Selection for All State Choir: 15 points.

  • Auditioning for a solo in class: 2 points per audition.

  • Awarded a solo for a concert: 1 point per solo.

  • Auditioning for Shades of Blue: 3 points.

  • Audition for the musical: 2 points.

  • Participate in the musical (cast, crew, pit): 5 points.

  • Perfect attendance in class for the school year: 8 points.

  • Filing music (after a concert or in free time): 1 point for in-class, 2 points for ICE, off block, or after school work.

  • Help with Trick or Treat Street: 2 points.

  • Ushering at the musical: 1 point per performance.

  • Miscellaneous (points may be awarded at teacher discretion for other miscellaneous above-and-beyond activities).

Click here to check the progress of your submissions and calculate total points.